County |
Location |
Dates |
Chilton |
Adams |
1942 1950 1958 1975 2009 |
Chilton |
Adams East |
1942 |
Chilton |
Adams North |
1942 1950 1965 1972 |
Chilton |
Adams South |
1942 1950 |
Chilton |
Adams West |
1958 1965 1972 |
Chilton |
Bessie |
1950 1958 1965 2009 |
Chilton |
Bessie North |
1950 1958 1965 |
Chilton |
Bessie South |
1950 |
Chilton |
Blue Creek Marina |
1942 1950 1958
1960 1964 2009 |
Chilton |
Burwell (historical) |
1942 1950 1958 1964 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Campbell |
1942 1950 1958 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Campbell North |
1950 |
Chilton |
Campbell South |
1950 1958 1972 |
Chilton |
Cargle Creek |
1942 1950 1958 1960 1964 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Center Hill |
1942 1950 1958 1965 2009 |
Chilton |
Center Hill South |
1950 1965 |
Chilton |
Clanton |
1950 1972 |
Chilton |
Clanton East |
1942 1950 1958 1964 1975 2009 |
Chilton |
Clanton NE |
1942 1950 |
Chilton |
Clanton North |
1942 1950 1965 1972 1975 |
Chilton |
Clanton NW |
1950 |
Chilton |
Clanton SE |
1942 1950 |
Chilton |
Clanton South |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 |
Chilton |
Clanton SW |
1950 1958 |
Chilton |
Clanton West |
1942 1950 1958 1964 1972 1975 2009 |
Chilton |
Collins Chapel |
1942 1950 1958 1965 2009 |
Chilton |
Collins Chapel North |
1942 1950 1965 |
Chilton |
Collins Chapel South |
1942 1958 1965 |
Chilton |
Collins Chapel West |
1950 |
Chilton |
Cooper |
1942 1950 1958 1964 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Cooper East |
1950 |
Chilton |
Cooper North |
1942 1950 1964 |
Chilton |
Cooper South |
1942 1950 1958 1964 |
Chilton |
Dixie |
1942 1950 1958 1965 2009 |
Chilton |
Double Bridges |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Double Bridges North |
1950 1965 |
Chilton |
Enterprise |
1942 1950 1958 1959 1964 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Enterprise North |
1942 1950 1958 1972 |
Chilton |
Enterprise South |
1942 1950 1959 1966 |
Chilton |
Enterprise West |
1972 1974 |
Chilton |
Fairview |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Fairview North |
1942 1950 1965 1972 |
Chilton |
Fairview South |
1950 1965 |
Chilton |
Falakto (historical) |
1942 1950 1958 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Gap of the Mountain |
1942 1950 1958 1964 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Gragg-Wade Field |
1958 1965 2009 |
Chilton |
Higgins Ferry Park |
1950 1958 1964 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Highland |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 1975 2009 |
Chilton |
Highland East |
1958 |
Chilton |
Highland North |
1942 1965 |
Chilton |
Highland South |
1942 1950 |
Chilton |
Honeycutt Mill (historical) |
1942 1950 1958 1965 2009
Chilton |
Hubbard |
1942 1950 1965 1972 1975 2009 |
Chilton |
Hubbard North |
1942 1965 |
Chilton |
Hubbard South |
1942 1950 |
Chilton |
Isabella |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 1975 2009 |
Chilton |
Isabella East |
1950 |
Chilton |
Isabella North |
1942 1950 1965 1972 |
Chilton |
Isabella South |
1942 1950 1958 1972 |
Chilton |
Jemison |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 1975 2009 |
Chilton |
Jemison East |
1942 1958 1965 |
Chilton |
Jemison North |
1942 1950
1958 1965 |
Chilton |
Jemison South |
1950 1958 1965 |
Chilton |
Jemison West |
1972 1975 2009 |
Chilton |
Jumbo |
1942 1950 1958 1964 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Jumbo North |
1942 1950 1958 1972 |
Chilton |
Jumbo South |
1942 1950 1964 |
Chilton |
Kalona |
1942 1950 1958 1965 2009 |
Chilton |
Kalona North |
1950 1958 1965 |
Chilton |
Kincheon |
1942 1950 1958 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Kincheon North |
1972 |
Chilton |
Kincheon South |
1942 1950 1958 |
Chilton |
Lay Dam |
1942 1950 1955 1958 1964 1972 1975 1978 1981 2009 |
Chilton |
Lomax |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Lomax North |
1950 1958 |
Chilton |
Lomax South |
1950 1958 |
Chilton |
Lomax West |
1958 |
Chilton |
Maplesville |
1942 1950 1965 1972 1975 |
Chilton |
Maplesville East |
1958 1965 2009 |
Chilton |
Maplesville North |
1942 1950 1954 1958 1959 1965 1972 |
Chilton |
Maplesville South |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 |
Chilton |
Maplesville West |
2009 |
Chilton |
Mars Hill |
1942 1950 1965 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Mars Hill East |
1942 |
Chilton |
Mars Hill North |
1942 1950 1958 1965 |
Chilton |
Mars Hill West |
1972 |
Chilton |
Midway |
1942 1950 1958 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Midway East |
1959 1966 |
Chilton |
Midway North |
1961 1972 |
Chilton |
Mineral Springs |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Mineral Springs North |
1950 |
Chilton |
Mineral Springs South |
1950 |
Chilton |
Minooka |
1942 1950 1954 1959 1965 1967 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Minooka North |
1942 1965 |
Chilton |
Mitchell Dam |
1942 1950 1955 1958 1964 1972 1975 1978 2009 |
Chilton |
Mountain Creek |
1942 1950 1964 1966 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Mountain Creek East |
1974 |
Chilton |
Mountain Creek North |
1950 1961 |
Chilton |
Mountain Creek West |
1974 |
Chilton |
Mulberry |
1942 1950 1958 1959 1965 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Mulberry North |
1942 |
Chilton |
Mulberry South |
1942 |
Chilton |
New Convert |
1942 1950 1958 1965 2009 |
Chilton |
Oak Grove |
1942 1950 1965 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Oak Grove North |
1942 1972 |
Chilton |
Ocampo |
1950 1965 2009 |
Chilton |
Ocampo North |
1965 |
Chilton |
Ocampo South |
1942 1950 1958 |
Chilton |
Pinedale |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Pinedale North |
1942 1965 |
Chilton |
Pinedale South |
1942 1950 1965 |
Chilton |
Pleasant Grove |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Pleasant Grove East |
1950 |
Chilton |
Pleasant Grove North |
1942 |
Chilton |
Pleasant Grove South |
1942 1950 |
Chilton |
Pleasant Grove West |
1942 1965 |
Chilton |
Pletcher |
1942 1958 1961 1965 1972 1974 1975 2009 |
Chilton |
Pletcher East |
1950 |
Chilton |
Pletcher North |
1942 1958 1965 1972 |
Chilton |
Pletcher South |
1942 1950 1965 1972 |
Chilton |
Pletcher West |
1942 1950 |
Chilton |
Pooles Crossroads |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 1974 2009 |
Chilton |
Pooles Crossroads South |
1942 1958 1972 1974 |
Chilton |
Poseys Crossroads |
1942 1950 1965 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Poseys Crossroads East |
1942 1958 1965 |
Chilton |
Poseys Crossroads South |
1942 1950 1958 1965 |
Chilton |
Providence (historical) |
1942 1950 1958 1964 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Riderville |
1942 1950 1955 1959 1965 1972 1974 1975 2009 |
Chilton |
Riderville North |
1942 1959 |
Chilton |
Riderville West |
1950 |
Chilton |
Rocky Mount |
1942 1950 1958 1965 2009 |
Chilton |
Rocky Mount North |
1942 1950 |
Chilton |
Rocky Mount South |
1942 1958 |
Chilton |
Sawyer Cove |
1942 1950 1954 1958 1959 1965 1967 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Stanton |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 1975 2009 |
Chilton |
Stanton East |
1942 1965 |
Chilton |
Stanton North |
1942 1950 |
Chilton |
Thorsby |
1942 1950 1965 1972 1975 2009 |
Chilton |
Thorsby East |
1972 |
Chilton |
Thorsby North |
1942 1950 1958 |
Chilton |
Thorsby South |
1942 1950 1965 1972 |
Chilton |
Thorsby West |
1950 |
Chilton |
Union Grove |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Union Grove North |
1950 1965 1972 |
Chilton |
Union Grove South |
1942 1950 1965 |
Chilton |
Verbena |
1942 1950 1958 1964 1972 1974 1975 2009 |
Chilton |
Verbena East |
1950 |
Chilton |
Verbena North |
1942 1950 1964 |
Chilton |
Verbena South |
1942 1950 1964 1972 |
Chilton |
Watson Ford (historical) |
1942 1950 1958 1964 1972 2009 |
Chilton |
Wessington |
1942 1950 1958 1965 1972 1975 2009 |
Chilton |
Wessington North |
1942 1965 1972 |
Chilton |
Wessington South |
1942 |
Chilton |
Zanora |
1942 1950 1955 1958 1974 2009 |
Chilton |
Zanora East |
1974 |
Chilton |
Zanora West |
1974 |