1851 - 1885
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  Main Author:   Butler, Samuel
  Title/Description:   Britannia Antiqua
  Publication Info:   Philadelphia: Blanchard and Lea,1851
  Date:   1851
  Scale:   1:3,168,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Morse, Sidney E.
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   New York: Harper and Brothers, 1851; from Morse's School Geography
  Date:   1851
  Scale:   1:3,800,000
  Original Source:   University of Alabama Map Library
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  Main Author:   Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
  Title/Description:   Geological Map of England and Wales
  Publication Info:   London: Charles Knight, 1852; from the General Atlas
  Date:   1852
  Scale:   1:1,774,080
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
  Title/Description:   England and the Canals and Railroads
  Publication Info:   London: Charles Knight, 1852; from the General Atlas
  Date:   1852
  Scale:   1:1,710,720
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:   Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   London: Charles Knight, 1852; from the General Atlas
  Date:   1852
  Scale:   1:1,710,720
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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Main Author: Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
Title/Description: England and Wales
Publication Info: London: Charles Knight, 1852; from the General Atlas
Date: 1852
Scale: 1:716,000
Original Source: Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
  Title/Description:   Birmingham
  Publication Info:   London: Charles Knight, 1852; from the General Atlas
  Date:   1852
  Scale:   1:9,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
  Title/Description:   Liverpool
  Publication Info:   London: Charles Knight, 1852; from the General Atlas
  Date:   1852
  Scale:   1:12,600
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Black, Adam and Charles
  Title/Description:   England and Wales (Northern Part)
  Publication Info:   Edinburgh: A and C Adams, 1854; from the General Atlas of the World by Hall and Hughes
  Date:   1854
  Scale:   1:950,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Adams Antiques, Northport, Alabama
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  Main Author:   Black, Adam and Charles
  Title/Description:   England and Wales (Southern Part)
  Publication Info:   Edinburgh: A and C Adams, 1854; from the General Atlas of the World by Hall and Hughes
  Date:   1854
  Scale:   1:950,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Adams Antiques, Northport, Alabama
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  Main Author:   Malte-Brun, Victor
  Title/Description:   Angle terre
  Publication Info:   Paris: Gustave Barba, 1856; from Geographie Universelle
  Date:   1856
  Scale:   1:2,534,400
  Original Source:   University of Alabama Map Library
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  Main Author:   Hughes, William, Edited by George Long
  Title/Description:   Britannia
  Publication Info:   Philadelphia: Blanchard and Lea, 1856; from An Atlas of Classical Geography
  Date:   1856
  Scale:   1:2,661,120
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Colton, J.H.
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   New York: J.H. Colton and Company, 1856; from Atlas of the World
  Date:   1856
  Scale:   1:1,330,560
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Morse, Charles W.
  Title/Description:   England
  Publication Info:   New York: Samuel N. Gaston, 1857; from Morse and Gaston's Diamond Atlas, Eastern Hemisphere
  Date:   1857
  Scale:   1:3,800,000
  Original Source:   University of Alabama Map Library
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  Main Author:   Mitchell, Samuel Augustus, Jr.
  Title/Description:   County Map of England and Wales
  Publication Info:   Philadelphia: S.A. Mitchell, Jr., c.1860
  Date:   1860
  Scale:   1:2,408,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Granger, James
  Title/Description:   Granger's Map of Birmingham
  Publication Info:   Birmingham: James Granger, c.1860
  Date:   1860
  Scale:   1:12,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:    
  Title/Description:   England and Wales (Northern Part)
  Publication Info:   London: Blackie and Son, 1860; from The Imperial Atlas of Modern Geography
  Date:   1860
  Scale:   1:982,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:    
  Title/Description:   England and Wales (Southern Part)
  Publication Info:   London: Blackie and Son, 1860; from The Imperial Atlas of Modern Geography
  Date:   1860
  Scale:   1:982,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Weller, Edward
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   London: Longman and Company, c.1861
  Date:   1861
  Scale:   1:2,661,120
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Mitchell, S. Augustus, Jr.
  Title/Description:   County Map of England and Wales
  Publication Info:   Philadelphia: S. Augustus Mitchell, Jr. 1861; from Mitchell's New General Atlas
  Date:   1861
  Scale:   1:2,534,400
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Bohn, Henry G.
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   London: Henry G. Bohn, 1862; from A Pictorial Hand-Book of Modern Geography
  Date:   1862
  Scale:   1:6,650,000
  Original Source:   University of Alabama Map Library
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  Main Author:   Johnson, Alvin J.
  Title/Description:   Johnson's England and Wales
  Publication Info:   New York: Johnson and Browning, c.1864
  Date:   1864
  Scale:   1:1,267,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Mitchell, S. Augustus
  Title/Description:   Map of Great Britain and Ireland
  Publication Info:   Philadelphia: S. Augustus Mitchell, 1865; from Mitchell's New Intermediate Geography
  Date:   1865
  Scale:   1:5,068,800
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Hughes, William
  Title/Description:   Britannica
  Publication Info:   New York: Sheldon and Company; from An Atlas of Classical Geography
  Date:   1867
  Scale:   1: 2,535,000
  Original Source:   University of Alabama Map Library
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  Main Author:   Colton, Joseph Hutchins
  Title/Description:   Colton's England and Wales
  Publication Info:   New York: G.W. and C.B. Colton, c.1869
  Date:   1869
  Scale:   1:1,267,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:    
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott and Co. ,1869; from Atlas to accompany Chambers Encyclopedia
  Date:   1869
  Scale:   1:2,851,200
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:    
  Title/Description:   Plan of the Municipal Borough of Liverpool in January, 1870
  Publication Info:   London: Ministry of Education, 1870
  Date:   1870
  Scale:   1:10,560
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Bartholomew, John
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   Edinburgh: William Collins, Sons and Company, 1870; from The Advanced Atlas
  Date:   1870
  Scale:   1: 2,534,000
  Original Source:   University of Alabama Map Library
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  Main Author:   Stieler, Adolf
  Title/Description:   Grossbritannien
  Publication Info:   Gotha: Justus Perthes, 1870
  Date:   1870
  Scale:   1:1,150,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Bartholomew, John
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   Philadelphia: T. Ellwood Zell, 1873; from A Discriptive Hand Atlas of the World
  Date:   1873
  Scale:   1:1,775,000
  Original Source:   University of Alabama Map Library
Viewing options:

  Main Author:   Mitchell, S. Augustus
  Title/Description:   County Map of England and Wales
  Publication Info:   Philadelphia: S. Augustus Mitchell, 1874; from Mitchell's New General Atlas
  Date:   1874
  Scale:   1:2,407,680
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Black, Adam and Charles
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1879; from Black's General Atlas of the World, American Edition
  Date:   1879
  Scale:   1:950,400
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Mitchell, S. Augustus
  Title/Description:   County Map of England and Wales
  Publication Info:   Philadelphia: S. Augustus Mitchell, 1880; from Mitchell's New General Atlas
  Date:   1880
  Scale:   1: 2,424,846
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:    
  Title/Description:   Map of Cook's Tours in Scottland & England
  Publication Info:   New York: Thomas Cook & Son, 1881
  Date:   1881
  Scale:   1:2,534,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:   Stieler, Adolf
  Title/Description:   Grossbritannien
  Publication Info:   Gotha: Justus Perthes, c.1881; from Adolf Stieler's Hand Atlas
  Date:   1881
  Scale:   1:1,500,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Tunison, H.C.
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   Jacksonville, IL: H.C. Tunison, 1882; from Tunison's Peerless Universal Atlas of the World
  Date:   1882
  Scale:   1: 2,480,856
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Watson, Gaylord
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   Boston: Perry and Spaulding, 1883; from New Indexed Family Atlas of the United States with Maps of the World
  Date:   1883
  Scale:   1:1,584,000
  Original Source:   University of Alabama Map Library
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  Main Author:   Bartholomew, J.
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   Edinburgh: Blackie and Son, [c. 1884]
  Date:   1884
  Scale:   1:2,200,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Adams Antiques, Northport, Alabama
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  Main Author:    
  Title/Description:   England & Wales
  Publication Info:   Chicago: Rand McNally and Co., 1884; from Rand McNally Indexed Atlas of the World
  Date:   1884
  Scale:   1:1,584,000
  Original Source:   From the personal collection of Dr. Gerald Webster
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  Main Author:    
  Title/Description:   Railroad and County Map of England and Wales
  Publication Info:   London: Letts, Son and Company, 1884; from Lett's Complete Popular Atlas
  Date:   1884
  Scale:   1:1,774,080
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:    
  Title/Description:   Geological Map of England and Wales
  Publication Info:   London: Letts, Son and Company, 1884; from Lett's Complete Popular Atlas
  Date:   1884
  Scale:   1:1,774,080
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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Main Author:    
Title/Description:   Watershed Map of England and Wales
Publication Info:   London: Letts, Son and Company, 1884; from Lett's Complete Popular Atlas
Date:   1884
Scale:   1:760,320
Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:    
  Title/Description:   Plan of Liverpool
  Publication Info:   London: Letts, Son and Company, 1884; from Lett's Complete Popular Atlas
  Date:   1884
  Scale:   1:14,400
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Tunison, Henry Cuthbert
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   Jacksonville, IL: H.C. Tunison, 1885
  Date:   1885
  Scale:   1:1,900,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Watson, Gaylord
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   Boston: J.R. Spaulding and Company, 1885; from Watson's New and Complete Illustrated Atlas of the World
  Date:   1885
  Scale:   1:2,534,400
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Stanford, Edward
  Title/Description:   Map of England and Wales
  Publication Info:   London: Edward Stanford, c.1885
  Date:   1885
  Scale:   1:1,013,760
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Monteith, James
  Title/Description:   England and Wales
  Publication Info:   New York: A.S. Barnes and Company, 1885; from Monteith's Independent Course Comprehensive Geography
  Date:   1885
  Scale:   1:4,435,000
  Original Source:   University of Alabama Map Library
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