# |
West Quoddy Bay | 1861-63 |
1:10,000 |
W.H. Dennis | |||||
Eastport and vicinity | 1865 |
1:10,000 |
W.H. Dennis | |||||
Moose-a-bec Islands (outer edge) | 1882 |
1:10,000 |
E. Ellicott | |||||
Moose-a-bec Reach (upper sheet) | 1870 |
1:10,000 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Moose-a-bec Reach (middle sheet) | 1870 |
1:10,000 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Moose-a-bec Reach (lower sheet) | 1870 |
1:10,000 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Pleasant River, from Addison to Columbia Falls | 1882 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Main Shores of Narraguagus Bay and Pigeon Hill Bay | 1881 |
1:10,000 |
Charles Hosmer | |||||
Vicinity of Millbridge | 1881 |
1:10,000 |
Charles Hosmer | |||||
Dyer's Neck and Petit Manan Point | 1880 |
1:10,000 |
H.G. Ogden | |||||
Gouldsborough Bay | 1865 |
1:10,000 |
C. Rockwell | |||||
Winter Harbor to Gouldsborough Bay | 1865 |
1:10,000 |
C. Rockwell | |||||
Frenchman's Bay, east side, from Waukeag Neck to Winter Harbor,
including Stave, Jordan, Iron Sound, and Calf Islands |
1862 |
1:10,000 |
C. Rockwell | |||||
Frenchman's Bay; Long and Burnt Porcupine Islands | 1878 |
1:10,000 |
Charles Hosmer | |||||
Head of Frenchman's Bay and part of Franklin's Bay | 1879 |
1:10,000 |
H.G. Ogden | |||||
Taunton and Hog Bays | 1880 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Skillings River | 1878-79 |
1:10,000 |
Charles Hosmer | |||||
Mount Desert Island, northeastern part | 1873 |
1:10,000 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Mount Desert Island, Egg Rock (Entrance of Frenchman's Bay) | 1874 |
1:5,500 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Mount Desert Island, southeastern part | 1873 |
1:2,500 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Baker's Island | 1854 |
1:10,000 |
W.E. Greenwell | |||||
Great and Little Cranberry Islands and Sutton Island | 1871 |
1:10,000 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Mount Desert Island, Somes Sound, northeast and southwest harbors | 1871 |
1:10,000 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Mount Desert Island, southwest part | 1872 |
1:10,000 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Mount Desert Island, Hull's Cove to Pretty Marsh (western side) | 1874 |
1:10,000 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Mount Desert Island, Hull's Cove to Pretty Marsh (eastern side) | 1874 |
1:10,000 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Blue Hill Bay, Bartlett's Island | 1878 |
1:10,000 |
H.G. Ogden | |||||
Mount Desert Island, western part | 1872 |
1:10,000 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Mount Desert Island, Sand's Point to High Head | 1874 |
1:10,000 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Islands south of Mount Desert | 1871 |
1:10,000 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Long, Black Placentia, Otter, Johns, and Gotts Islands | 1875 |
1:10,000 |
F.C. Donn | |||||
Islands in Jericho Bay | 1874 |
1:10,000 |
J.N. McClintock | |||||
Heron Island, and outlying ledges and rocks off Marshall's and Swan Islands | 1877 |
1:10,000 |
J.F. Moser | |||||
Swan Island | 1875 |
1:10,000 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Head of Union River Bay with Patten's Bay and Union River, to and including the city of Ellsworth | 1878-79 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Blue Hill Bay, Head of, with Newbury Neck and part of West Trenton | 1877 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Blue Hill Bay, Long Island (western part) | 1878 |
1:10,000 |
H.G. Ogden | |||||
Blue Hill Bay, Long Island (eastern part) | 1878 |
1:10,000 |
H.G. Ogden | |||||
West shore of Blue Hill Bay | 1875 |
1:10,000 |
W.H. Dennis | |||||
West shore of Blue Hill Bay (with Harriman's Cove and Harriman's Point) | 1875 |
1:10,000 |
W.H. Dennis | |||||
Black, Pond, Calf, Ship, Bar, Tinkers, Hardwood, and adjacent Islands | 1875 |
1:10,000 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Isle au Haut and adjoining IIslands | 1872 |
1:10,000 |
J.N. McClintock | |||||
Fox Islands, southeast portion, and Smith, Saddle-back, and Brimstone Islands | 1870 |
1:10,000 |
H.M. De Wees | |||||
Fox Islands group, and adjacent Ledges | 1870 |
1:10,000 |
H.M. De Wees | |||||
Fox Islands group, including the western part of Vinalhaven
Island, Leadbetter's, Laury's, Green's, Hurricane, and White Islands |
1868 |
1:10,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
North part of Vinal Island, with Stimpson's Calderwood's, and Babbage Islands | 1868 |
1:10,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
North Haven Island, including Ledges, and Island north of Main and Little Thoroughfares | 1867 |
1:10,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
Northern part of Deer Island | 1873-74 |
1:10,000 |
W.H. Dennis | |||||
Penobscot Bay, southern part of Deer Isle and vicinity | 1872 |
1:10,000 |
W.H. Dennis | |||||
Eastern Shore of Eggemoggin Reach | 1874 |
1:10,000 |
W.H. Dennis | |||||
East part of Eggemoggin Reach | 1872 |
1:10,000 |
Charles Hosmer | |||||
West part of Eggemoggin Reach | 1872 |
1:10,000 |
Charles Hosmer | |||||
Bagaduce River, from the bridge south (including Brooksville and Walker's Pond) | 1875 |
1:10,000 |
Hull Adams | |||||
Bagaduce River, from the Mouth to the bridge | 1874 |
1:10,000 |
Hull Adams | |||||
Northern Bay, Shores of (from head of Bagaduce River to town of Penobscot) | 1875 |
1:10,000 |
Hull Adams | |||||
Castine and part of Penobscot | 1874 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Cape Rosier, a part of Brookeville | 1872-73 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Islands in Penobscot Bay, north of Northern Fox | 1873-74 |
1:10,000 |
J.N. McClintock | |||||
Islands in Penobscot Bay, south of Cape Rosier | 1873-74 |
1:10,000 |
J.N. McClintock | |||||
North Isleborough, Penobscot Bay | 1871 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
South Isleborough, Penobscot Bay | 1871 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Penobscot Bay, Islands south of Isleborough | 1870 |
1:10,000 |
C.T. Iardella | |||||
Penobscot Bay, north shore from Sear's Island to Sandy Point | 1872-73 |
1:10,000 |
C.T. Iardella | |||||
Penobscot River, Indian Point to Sandy Point,
including Bucksport, Orland, Whitmore's Island, and Eastern River |
1873 |
1:10,000 |
J. Hergesheimer | |||||
Eastern shore of Penobscot River, Whitmore's Island to Morse's Cove | 1874 |
1:10,000 |
J. Hergesheimer | |||||
Penobscot River and southern shore of Whitmore's Island | 1874 |
1:10,000 |
C.A. Meuth | |||||
Penobscot River, from Indian Point to Parker's Point, including
Prospect River and the town of Winterport |
1873 |
1:10,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
Penobscot River, from Winterport to Hampden,
with Bucksport, Orrington, Hancock, and Penobscot Counties |
1875 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Penobscot River, from Bangor to Hampden | 1867 |
1:10,000 |
J.A. Sullivan | |||||
Penobscot River, from Hampden to Bangor, with part of Orrington and Brewer | 1876 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Belfast and Searsport | 1871-72 |
1:10,000 |
C.T. Iardella | |||||
Penobscot Bay, west shore from Knight's Point to Little River | 1872 |
1:10,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
Penobscot Bay, west shore from Megunticook to Knight's Point | 1871 |
1:10,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
Camden and Rockport Harbors | 1863 |
1:10,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
Rockland Harbor and vicinity | 1870 |
1:10,000 |
W.H. Dennis | |||||
Rockland and Rockland Harbor, Penobscot Bay | 1861 |
1:10,000 |
C. Ferguson | |||||
Weskeag River and vicinity | 1869 |
1:10,000 |
W.H. Dennis | |||||
South Thomaston, Weskeag River, and Penobscot Bay | 1861 |
1:10,000 |
C. Ferguson | |||||
Seal, Tennant's, and Mosquito Harbors, Penobscot Bay | 1868 |
1:10,000 |
W.H. Dennis | |||||
Seal, Tennant's, and Mosquito Harbors, Penobscot Bay | 1862 |
1:10,000 |
C. Ferguson | |||||
The Matinicus group of Islands | 1864 |
1:20,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
Muscle Ridge Islands, Penobscot Bay | 1871 |
1:10,000 |
W.H. Dennis | |||||
Muscle Ridge Islands, Penobscot Bay | 1862 |
1:10,000 |
C. Ferguson | |||||
The Green Islands, off the Mouth of Penobscot Bay | 1864 |
1:20,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
The western Entrance to Penobscot Bay, including the Georges Islands, Monhegan and Matinic | 1865 |
1:20,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
St. George's River, from Entrance to Narrows | 1864 |
1:10,000 |
C. Ferguson | |||||
Saint George's River Entrance | 1869 |
1:10,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
Saint George's River | 1868 |
1:10,000 |
Charles Hosmer | |||||
St. George's River, from Narrows to Thomaston | 1863 |
1:10,000 |
C. Ferguson | |||||
Friendship, Approaches to Medomak River | 1867 |
1:10,000 |
Charles Hosmer | |||||
Medomak River | 1867-68 |
1:10,000 |
Charles Hosmer | |||||
Medomak River, upper part | 1865 |
1:10,000 |
C. Ferguson | |||||
Muscongus Bay, Islands and Ledges | 1865 |
1:10,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
Muscongus Bay, southern part | 1865 |
1:10,000 |
F.W. Dorr |
Muscongus Bay, from Round Pond to Hocamoc | 1866 |
1:10,000 |
C. Rockwell | |||||
Pemmaquid Point, including New Harbor and west shore of Muscongus Bay | 1866 |
1:10,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
Linekin's Bay and Islands at mouth of Damariscotta River (Islands part) | 1865 |
1:10,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
Linekin's Bay and Islands at mouth of Damariscotta River (Linekin's Bay and Damariscotta River part) | 1865 |
1:10,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
Damariscotta River (lower part) | 1865 |
1:10,000 |
S.A. Gilbert | |||||
Damariscotta River (upper part) | 1865 |
1:10,000 |
S.A. Gilbert | |||||
Sheepscot River and Booth Bay Harbor | 1864 |
1:10,000 |
P.C.F. West | |||||
Sheepscot, Back, and Ovenmouth Rivers | 1859 |
1:10,000 |
R.E. McMath | |||||
Sheepscot and Back Rivers | 1860 |
1:10,000 |
H. Adams, C. Ferguson | |||||
Part of Sheepscot and Back Rivers | 1859 |
1:10,000 |
W.H. Dennis | |||||
Sheepscot and Back Rivers | 1860 |
1:10,000 |
H. Adams, C. Ferguson | |||||
Back River and Montsweag Bay | 1860-61 |
1:10,000 |
C. Ferguson | |||||
Hockomock Bay | 1861 |
1:10,000 |
Hull Adams | |||||
Westport and Arrowsic Islands | 1865 |
1:10,000 |
E. Hergesheimer | |||||
Georgetown island and vicinity |
1862 |
1:10,000 |
C.T. Iardella | |||||
Merry Meeting Bay, including Androscoggin, Muddy, and Cathance Rivers | 1871 |
1:10,000 |
C.H. Boyd | |||||
Kennebec River in the vicinity of Bath |
1858 |
1:10,000 |
R.M. Bache | |||||
Kennebec River, from Indian Point to Cox's Head | 1857 |
1:10,000 |
W.S. Gilbert | |||||
Kennebec River, Approaches (part 1) |
1856 |
1:10,000 |
Hull Adams | |||||
Kennebec River, Approaches (part 2) | 1856 |
1:10,000 |
Hull Adams | |||||
Kennebec River, Entrance, and Cape Small Point |
1856 |
1:10,000 |
Hull Adams | |||||
Cape Small and adjacent Islands | 1854-57 |
1:10,000 |
S.A. Gilbert, C.T. Iardella | |||||
Peninsula formed by the confluence of the Kennebec and Androscoggin |
1864 |
1:10,000 |
R.M. Bache | |||||
Mouth of New Meadows River | 1857 |
1:10,000 |
C.T. Iardella | |||||
Casco Bay, from Middle Bay to New Meadow River, including north end of Sebaskahegan Island |
1867-69 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Sebaskahegan and Orr's Islands in Casco Bay | 1865 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Part of Harpswell Neck, with the adjacent Islands in Casco Bay |
1860-61 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Maquoit and Middle Bays, with adjacent shores of Freeport, Brunswick, and Harpswell Neck | 1863 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Great Jebeig, Cousins and Little John's Islands, with smaller
Islands, and part of the main shore of Falmouth, Cumberland, and Yarmouth in Casco Bay |
1864 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Topography in Casco Bay betwen Farmouth and Yarmouth | 1864 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Casco Bay, outer Islands |
1856-58 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Casco Bay, sketch of Half-way Rock | 1867 |
1:2,000 |
C.H. Boyd | |||||
Casco Bay, the Green Islands |
1856 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Yarmouth and Freeport | 1861-62 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Presumpscot River, mouth of, and Islands in Casco Bay |
1855-59 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Portland Harbor (Wharf and shoreline) | 1867 |
1:5,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Portland Harbor and Environs |
1854-58 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Portland Harbor, reconnaissance of the Environs of, and Approaches to | 1862 |
1:20,000 |
F.W. Dorr | |||||
Portland City and Harbor (special survey, sheet No. 1) |
1868-69 |
1:1,200 |
A. Lindenkohl | |||||
Portland City and Harbor (special survey, sheet No. 2) | 1868-69 |
1:1,200 |
A. Lindenkohl | |||||
Portland City and Harbor (special survey, sheet No. 3) |
1868-69 |
1:1,200 |
A. Lindenkohl | |||||
Portland City and Harbor (special survey, sheet No. 4) | 1869 |
1:1,200 |
Charles Hosmer | |||||
Portland City and Harbor (special survey, sheet No. 5) |
1869 |
1:1,200 |
Charles Hosmer | |||||
Portland City and Harbor (special survey, sheet No. 6) | 1869 |
1:1,200 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Portland City and Harbor (special survey, sheet No. 7) |
1869 |
1:1,200 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Portland City and Harbor (special survey, sheet No. 8) | 1869 |
1:1,200 |
Charles Hosmer | |||||
Portland City and Harbor (special survey, sheet No. 9) |
1869 |
1:1,200 |
J.W. Donn | |||||
Portland City and Harbor (special survey, sheet No. 10) | 1869 |
1:2,400 |
J.N. McClintock | |||||
Part of Cape Elizabeth |
1852 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Richmond's Island and the south shore of Cape Elizabeth | 1850 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Saco Bay, north shore, including Stratten and Bluff Islands and Prout's Neck |
1859 |
1:10,000 |
C. Fendall | |||||
Mouth of Saco River and Biddeford Pool from Hoyt's Neck | 1870 |
1:10,000 |
Hull Adams | |||||
Saco River and towns of Biddeford and Saco |
1871 |
1:10,000 |
Hull Adams | |||||
Fletcher's Neck and vicinity | 1859 |
1:10,000 |
C. Fendall | |||||
Kennebunk Port and Cape Porpoise to Hoyt's Neck |
1870 |
1:10,000 |
Hull Adams | |||||
Cape Porpoise and vicinity | 1859 |
1:10,000 |
C. Fendall | |||||
Coast from Ogunquit, in Wells, to Mousam River |
1869 |
1:10,000 |
Hull Adams | |||||
Cape Neddick and Ogunquit | 1854 |
1:10,000 |
A.S. Wadsworth | |||||
Cape Neddick and Ogunquit (tracing of previous) |
1860 |
1:10,000 |
E.H. | |||||
York and Cape Neddick Harbors with intermediate coast | 1853 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
York Harbor |
1854 |
1:10,000 |
A.W. Longfellow | |||||
Coast from Kittery to York | 1867 |
1:10,000 |
Hull Adams | |||||
Coast from Kittery to York (tracing showing revisions) |
1912 |
1:10,000 |
E. Blatham |
University of Alabama
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