Before 1850

Before 1850

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  Main Author:   Wolfe, John
  Title/Description:   I.S. Laurentii (The Ile Madagascar, otherwise called Saint Laurence)
  Publication Info:   London: J. Wolfe, 1598; from The Second Booke
  Date:   1598
  Scale:   not indicated
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Antique Atlas
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  Main Author:   Hondius, Hendrik (info)
  Title/Description:   Congi Regnu
  Publication Info:   London: c.1625
  Date:   1625
  Scale:   1:12,581,500
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Antique Atlas
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  Main Author:   Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (info)
  Title/Description:   Carte de Toutes les Isles Connues a la Coste de Zanguebar et Madagascar
  Publication Info:   Paris: Chez Didot, 1747; from A.F. Prevost's Histoire Generale Des Voyages, Tome III, No. 19
  Date:   1747
  Scale:   1:13,425,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:  

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (info)

  Title/Description:   Carte de la Coste D'Angola
  Publication Info:   Paris: Chez Didot, 1748; from A.F. Prevost's Histoire Generale Des Voyages, Tome V, No. I
  Date:   1748
  Scale:   1:320,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:  

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (info)

  Title/Description:   Plan du Fort et de la Ville du Cap de Bonne Esperance (Cape Town)
  Publication Info:   Paris: Chez Didot, 1748; from A.F. Prevost's Histoire Generale Des Voyages, Tome V, No. 7
  Date:   1748
  Scale:   1:6,900
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:  

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (info)

  Title/Description:   Carte de l'Isle d'Anjouan (Comoros)
  Publication Info:   Paris: Chez Didot, 1748; from A.F. Prevost's Histoire Generale Des Voyages, Tome V, No. 13
  Date:   1748
  Scale:   1:220,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:  

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (info)

  Title/Description:   Carte de la Baye de la Table et Rade du Cap de Bonne Esperance (South Africa)
  Publication Info:   Paris: Chez Didot, 1748; from A.F. Prevost's Histoire Generale Des Voyages, Tome V, No. 6
  Date:   1748
  Scale:   1:185,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:  

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (info)

  Title/Description:   Carte de la Baye de Mosambique
  Publication Info:   Paris: Chez Didot, 1748; from A.F. Prevost's Histoire Generale Des Voyages, Tome V, No. 8
  Date:   1748
  Scale:   1:96,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:  

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (info)

  Title/Description:   Carte de la Baye de Sainte Helene
  Publication Info:   Paris: Chez Didot, 1749; from A.F. Prevost's Histoire Generale Des Voyages, Tome V, No. 3
  Date:   1749
  Scale:   1:435,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:  

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (info)

  Title/Description:   Carte de la Rade de Benguella et Riviere de Cantonbelle (Angola)
  Publication Info:   Paris: Chez Didot, 1749; from A.F. Prevost's Histoire Generale Des Voyages, Tome V, No. 2
  Date:   1749
  Scale:   1:108,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:  

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas (info)

  Title/Description:   Carte de la Baye de Saldana ou Saldane (South America)
  Publication Info:   Paris: Chez Didot, 1749; from A.F. Prevost's Histoire Generale Des Voyages, Tome V, No. 4
  Date:   1749
  Scale:   1:210,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Postlethwayt, Malachy
  Title/Description:   A New and Correct Map of the Coast of Africa
  Publication Info:   London: W. Strahan and J. and F. Rivington, 1764
  Date:   1764
  Scale:   1:9,947,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Sparrmans, Andrew
  Title/Description:   A Geographical Chart of the Cape of Good Hope
  Publication Info:   London: John Murray, 1785
  Date:   1785
  Scale:   1:2,778,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:   Carli, Presso Pazzini
  Title/Description:   Le Coste Dell' Alta Guinea
  Publication Info:   Siena: 1790
  Date:   1790
  Scale:   1:7,040,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:    
  Title/Description:   A Correct Chart of the Southern Coasts of Africa, from the Equator to the Cape of Good Hope
  Publication Info:   Boston: Spotswood and Nancrede, 1797; from Malham's Naval Gazetteer
  Date:   1797
  Scale:   1:22,600,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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  Main Author:    
  Title/Description:   False Bay at the Cape of Good Hope with Soundings as Taken in the Year 1797, by Order of Rear Admiral Pringle
  Publication Info:   London: Cadell and Davis, 1803
  Date:   1803
  Scale:   1:190,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:    
  Title/Description:   Colony of the Cape of Good Hope
  Publication Info:   Boston: Arrowsmith and Lewis, 1805; from Mr. Barrow's Survey
  Date:   1805
  Scale:   1:4,245,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:   Rees, Abraham
  Title/Description:   Cape of Good Hope
  Publication Info:   Philadelphia: Samuel F. Bradford, 1806; from The Cyclopaedia
  Date:   1806
  Scale:   1:2,935,679
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:   Arrowsmith and Lewis
  Title/Description:   Colony of the Cape of Good Hope
  Publication Info:   Boston: Thomas and Andrews, 1819; from A New and Elegant General Atlas
  Date:   1819
  Scale:   1:4,400,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

Main Author:   Perrot, A.M. and J. Aupick
Title/Description:   Carte Des Establishments Français En Afrique
Publication Info:   Paris: L. Duprat-Duverger, 1827; No. 93 from Carte des Colonies Françaises in Nouvel Atlas du Royaume de France
Date:   1827
Scale:   1:3,168,000
Original Source:   Courtesy of Adams Antiques, Northport, Alabama
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JPEG or Plugin

Main Author:   Perrot, A.M. and J. Aupick
Title/Description:   Ile Bourbon (Reunion Island)
Publication Info:   Paris: L. Duprat-Duverger, 1827; No. 94 from Carte des Colonies Françaises in Nouvel Atlas du Royaume de France
Date:   1827
Scale:   1:245,000
Original Source:   Courtesy of Adams Antiques, Northport, Alabama
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JPEG or Plugin

  Main Author:   Vandermaelen, Phillipe
  Title/Description:   Benguela (Angola)
  Publication Info:   Brussels: Phillipe Vandermaelen, 1827; from Vandermaelen's Atlas Universal, no. 44
  Date:   1827
  Scale:   1:1,641,836
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Antique Atlas
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  Main Author:   Hall, Sidney
  Title/Description:   Southern Africa
  Publication Info:   London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1829
  Date:   1829
  Scale:   1:1,584,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:   Hall, Sidney
  Title/Description:   Southern Africa
  Publication Info:   London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1830
  Date:   1830
  Scale:   1:3,168,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:    
  Title/Description:   Southern Africa
  Publication Info:   Philadelphia: Carey and Lea, 1832; from Carey and Lea's Family Cabinet Atlas, First American Edition
  Date:   1832
  Scale:   1:13,980,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:   Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
  Title/Description:   South Africa
  Publication Info:   London : Baldwin and Cradock, 1834; Compiled from the M.S. Maps in the Colonial Office, Captain Owen's Survey
  Date:   1834
  Scale:   1:4,880,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:    
  Title/Description:   Cape of Good Hope
  Publication Info:   London: Cochran and Company, 1835; for Montgomery Martin's History of the British Colonies, Volume IV
  Date:   1835
  Scale:   1:4,435,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:   Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel
  Title/Description:   Southern Africa
  Publication Info:   Boston: American Stationers Company, 1835; from A Comprehensive Atlas, Geographical, Historical, and Commercial
  Date:   1835
  Scale:   1:30,096,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:   Monin, C.U. and A.R. Fremin
  Title/Description:   Afrique Meridionale et Gouvernemt du Cap
  Publication Info:   Paris: Armand Aubree, 1836; from Atlas Universel Des Cinq Parties du Monde
  Date:   1836
  Scale:   1:21,225,600
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:   Flemming, Carl
  Title/Description:   Senegambien, Sudan und Guinea
  Publication Info:   Glogau: Carle Flemming, 1841
  Date:   1841
  Scale:   1:14,927,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
Viewing options:

  Main Author:   Scott, Robert
  Title/Description:   South Africa
  Publication Info:   Glasgow: Archibald Fullerton and Company, 1841; from Bell's Atlas
  Date:   1841
  Scale:   1:6,000,000
  Original Source:   Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee
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